Soul Work | Jouney | Dreaming
Journaling Through Individual
guided by Gwynne Mayer
“To cease moving and no longer be torn by the tensions of the opposites is equivalent to no longer existing in the cosmos…
-Mircea Eliade
Ultimately, it is the wish to recover this lost unity
That has caused man to think of the opposites as complimentary aspects of a single reality.

When we feel the call, to join our inner world, to move out of our projections and dependence on others, we then, and only then, can find our true soul journey…toward our own ‘individuation’ process, cleansing the need for another to determine our path…we move on.
Feel free to answer some of the following questions before you move into the keeping of your own personal soul journal:
- What others have gone before you in a way that lays down your path? Name some of those you admire. (You can add as many names as you want)
- What personal struggles have you been through that can now be reframed into guidelines along the way? i.e. situations that have seemed fraught with problems can now be reframed into positive learning experiences with which to be guided.
- Name some recent incidents that have caught your attention and made you aware that your path needs to be adjusted, explain. These can be dreams, situations, definitely mind altering situations.
- What do I have to give up in my daily life, what thoughts do I have to attend to, in order to follow my own path of healing and consciousness? Name at least three things you will need to cleanse in the next few months
- I envision my path in many ways, but the most primary ways I would like to live my life from this moment forward are the following:
- Name 5 ways to move forward with simple behaviors, including feeling, sensing, thinking and intuition.