The Spiritual Path of Consciousness Raising:
The Esoteric Psychology of the Ancients
This includes the works of Carl Jung, G.I. Gurdjieff, and humanistic leaders in the field of psychology, theosophy and shamanic healing.
Our work is devoted to the holistic healing of mind, body and spirit. We are all connected to each other in many ways and it is for each of us to find our spiritual and psychological path of individuation. We pay attention to the Shamans and Myths of the past as we are on a major journey into the 21st century and learning to adapt to our environments as our forefathers and archetypal guides did thousands of years ago. These are important factors to consider as we move forward through crisis which will bring us together as: We are all in the ‘soup’ as Carl Jung said.” Today’s world demands that we bring the ancient wisdom into the reality of ‘practical work’. Our aim is that we bring all of these authors of great works into the 21st century and practical exercises in our daily life.
- Carl Jung and Jungian practical work
- G.I Gurdjieff and Fourth Way practical work
- Fritz Perls and other Humanistic Psychologists practical work
- The work of great Theosophists and Rosicrucians, including Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and the Mahatmas.
Intentional Coaching:
Focus of Soul Work

Following your Intention, Inspiration, and Intuition
Manifesting daily, weekly, monthly, all that you are meant to be and more.
After forty years of counseling, therapizing, educating, and consulting with clients, friends and loved ones, I have realized that we, as individuals, do not meet our intentions and ultimate purposes in life. This causes a myriad of problems: depression, mood disorders, neurosis and general problems with well being.
In order to counter these issues with positive outcomes and affirmative actions, I have begun coaching on a weekly, bi-weekly and monthly basis at a minimum cost to those who are committed to their own successes and aspirations.
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The Importance of the Dream | The world within
“In Persian tradition, there is a knightly order of spiritual warriors known as the Fravartis. They choose to enter this world to fight the good fight. They move in this world with the knowledge of a higher world. They are attuned to a secret order of events beyond the facts recorded in the media and our day planners. Active dreamers engage with this world in a similar way. We are choosers. We know who we are, where we come from, and that our lives have meaning and purpose. And that part of this purpose is to generate meaning and help others to find meaning in their lives at every opportunity.” – Robert Moss
Your intuitive and spiritual life comes alive through your unconscious and your connection to your dreams. Do you spend time daily in meditation and/or dreaming? Do you make note of the messages that come to you through your dream world? Are you aware of the multi universes that you visit in the ‘no time, all time’ connection to the dream world, your spiritual connection to higher sources, guides, God and all that is; your connection to humanity?
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Intuitive Studies:
Astrology, Tarot and Numerology

We promote the practical understanding of our intuition and the methods we can use in order to verify what we are understanding about ourselves first and those with whom we relate. The edict of ‘Know Thyself’ is of great importance. This section is devoted to the online classes and teachings devoted to the above subjects. Gwynne has studied and lectured both nationally and internationally for over 45 years, through workshops, radio programs, podcasts, etc. Now retired, she devotes all of her time to private online classes on ZOOM and classes sponsored by Theosophical Society of America, It is strongly recommended that you have some knowledge of the symbols and language of the above methods of divination. Gwynne no longer teaches elementary classes as her devotion is to the practical understanding through ‘intuitive’ knowledge and understanding. Keep up with this section for videos and new articles represented in these classes.
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Consultations and Online Classes
Consultations are available by appointment for 30 or 60 minute confidential sessions regarding your health, career, relationships or other specific areas in your life. Every consultation is personally designed around your needs and where you are in the ‘present moment’ in your life. To be of more help to you, please call and inquire how I can best help you in your road to success.
30-minute consultation | $65
55-minute consultation | $125
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E-mail Gwynne Mayer or visit the Theosophical Society in America