February 3, 2024August 21, 2024Applied Gestalt, Coaching, Gurdjieff, Theosophical Application Gurdjieff Simplified for Practicality Practical Gurdjieff Experience in Self-Observation and Self-Remembering My Aim — To bring ‘the work’ to a more practical and simplified approach. The […]
December 8, 2019May 29, 2022Applied Gestalt, Astrology, Coaching, Esoterica and Theosophy, Gwynnology, Healing, Intentional Coaching, Intuitive Studies, Online Webinars, Spiritual Work, Theosophical Application Gwynnology: Practical Approach To Spiritual and Higher Consciousness All parts of the ‘self’ dialogue — Through the last forty-five years, I have merged my study of Gestalt/Perls, CG Jung, GI […]