February 17, 2018April 11, 2020Gurdjieff, Spiritual Work Work Centers: Gurdjieff From IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS (page 109): “At the same time as we watch the work of the centers we shall […]
July 9, 2013December 10, 2023Depth Counseling, Dreamwork Bringing Jung to Life in the 21st Century Through Dreams and Imagination Bringing Jung Alive in the 21st Century–Dreams and Reflections How does Jungian thought fit into our modern western way […]
March 4, 2012December 10, 2023Coaching, Depth Counseling, Healing Sexuality – Our shame to bear! Spirituality – Our gift to share! Sexuality THEN and NOW in the 21st Century As we near the edge of the 2012 vibrations, the energies that are […]